Overview – CV – Exhibitions
Felipe Lavín is a Chilean photographer and artist, born in Santiago in 1987. He graduated from Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile’s Construction Engineering School -where he also participated in several photography courses and workshops. During a student exchange to Canada in 2010 he attended to digital photography classes at the University of Montreal, where he deepened his interest in urban and architectural image.
“My work is based in photomontages and digital photography inspired on urban architecture, lines, perspectives and geometry. I am profoundly attracted to symmetry, especially when it manifests naturally within the city and relates to its surroundings. In my work I try to change the observer’s perception on daily locations, both highlighting and decontextualizing them to create new objects and elements. I mainly focus on buildings that form part of the urban environment and that have become transparent and monotonous with time. Sometimes I also work with landscapes and places away from the city”.
Artist's exhibitions
‘Desvanecidos. Artist in Residence II. A.I.R. Remote, Svedje (Sweden)’, Felipe Lavin
November 19th 2022 to January 12th 2023