Artista: Raúl Díaz Reyes
Fechas: 29 de Mayo al 12 de Julio, 2014
Hey NYCs a swinging place
thru which Dracula cab driver
glides over rainslicked streets in a black car
talking about Dracula
most people see horror- I see it as a LOVE story,
his black face bathed Green in the flourescent advertising
that spills from the buildings thru the drivers side window
not tonight she said. I cant..
these sheets are Ralph Lauren
rather lets talk about the Macguffin
at the end of the movie the chip that all the spies are after
is a piece of shit
but the whole movie happened for the chip
Macguffin on the sidewalk saying I was never here
just a plot device who takes three steps over flourescent markings
and slips into a crack in the sidewalk
all of the construction
the renovation
the transfers gated off with straps of orange vinyl
flourescent men popping out of holes in the ground
the paper blown about in the wind
the buildings in flux trying to hide
that there is no Sasquatch-
are no UFOS.
The city is a clock
counting down from five months.
Paper wrappers- peeled away
In Spain I was George Costanza
In New York I am Art Vandelay
In a speakeasy with a copper bathtub
The neon sign blinks
<< A >>
<< T >>
<< M >>
Back to brushstrokes
City built up and torn down and built up
Like a drawing like cut and paste like layers
like clocks
10,000 good and bad shows and always finding Hanna or Sameer,
or always finding Ikea furniture
Im a swinging vandelay
/swing space
©Raúl Díaz Reyes, text developed with Max Stolkin.
[Raúl Díaz Reyes ha expuesto su trabajo en España, Alemania, Estados Unidos, Mexico y en Brasil, en diferentes galerías, instituciones y ferias de arte internacionales, incluyendo la Galería José Robles, Madrid; Galería +R, Barcelona; Galería Emma Thomas, São Paulo; Lower Manhattan Cultural Council, Nueva York; Matadero Madrid, Madrid; Casa das Caldeiras, São Paulo; ARCO, Madrid; SP-Arte, São Paulo; VOLTA, Basilea.
Díaz Reyes ha creado durante el último año, piezas que combinan el uso de spray y pintura, y que se apropian del propio soporte de la obra. Con ello busca la objetualización de dibujos y pinturas, se replantea su lenguaje y lo vincula a los procesos de cambio y renovación que ha observado en la ciudad de Nueva York durante su residencia en el Lower Manhattan Cultural Council.
La nota de prensa es una pieza más y funciona como un diario personal del tiempo del artista en Nueva York, lugar donde se originó esta nueva serie.]