Overview – CV – Exhibitions
Multidisciplinary artist interested in the intersection of science, nature and technology. How does nature influence us? How do we collaborate with nature through biotechnology, bio-mimetics and art? “There is something hidden in the secret life of natural organisms that hides the true natural intelligence that I like to explore in every project I carry. There is a certain ancestral and evolutionary biophilia; within all of us and that affects our behavior and way of thinking. My projects always start by investigating the smallest organisms and thus their secret resilience abilities. When researching natural intelligence I find the best means to be able to represent a concrete idea that represents my previous research. Usually for sculptures, installations and video performances. In my project MYKROH I explore the relationship of bacteria and humans at birth to establish the human micro-biome and immune system for health represented by artifacts, performances and video performance. At Noetic I investigate the secret life of plants and generate a device to be able to communicate with them through energy frequencies and thus develop a three-dimensional representation of our conversations through sculptures. In earth beings I investigate the bacteria that live inside the rock in an extreme and uninhabitable climate and I create sculptures where I personify each sculpture as if it were a bacterium. This is how all my projects go hand in hand with science and microorganisms and Ecosystem Systems. My projects magnify the mechanism of organic systems with a poetic and three-dimensional perspective.”
A multidisciplinary artist born in Guayaquil, Ecuador, in 1989. She is deeply interested in the intersection of art, science, and technology. Through her work, she explores and reveals what is happening within science today, using tools rooted in eco-surrealism.
She believes art is a powerful tool for addressing important subjects such as science, biology, and technology. For her, art serves as an instrument that provides science with a platform to be discussed, understood, and approached in a more accessible way.
Celebrating organic processes and delving into technological advancements, Dia personifies her creations, bringing hybrid “creatures” to life that oscillate between the organic and the ethereal. Muñoz honours matter and transformation, inviting us to rethink our connection to the world from holistic, scientific, and critical perspectives.
Dia has exhibited at renowned fairs such as NADA Miami, Arco Madrid, Dutch Design Week, Milan Design Week, Salón Acme Mexico, Zona Maco, and Pinta Parc Lima. Her first solo exhibition, held in Guayaquil, Ecuador, in 2021, led her to showcase her Noetic project in Quito as part of a parallel exhibition to the Cuenca Biennial, as well as at the Museo de los Metales in Mexico and the United States. Her second solo exhibition took place in 2022, in collaboration with Ponce y Robles in Madrid.
Dia Muñoz currently resides in Madri
Artist's exhibitions
‘Creatures from the dimension of the unconscious’, Dia Muñoz
January 23rd 2025 to March 8th 2025
‘Intestinal Affaire’, Artist in Residence I. Art House, San Clemente (USA), Dia Muñoz
September 08th 2022 to October 28th 2022